Davie, FL
The owner had numerous goals for his house addition. We were to design a mother in law quarter, four car garage, family room, two additional bedrooms, full guest bathroom and renovate the pool and pool deck. One disturbing issue was that the existing tall glass wall at the existing house entry allowed people passing by to look directly into the house. We solved this issue by adding the mother in law quarter and four car garage to the front of the house and redirecting the entrance to the front door with a new driveway and indirect entry path. The pool pavilion was added to provide a shaded area for sitting during the day and utilized the gas fire place at night. Covered walkways were also added in the pool area on the east facade to help cut down on the heat gain from the eastern sunrise. Perforated corten panels were added on the front curved wall of the house for two purposes; first to provide a layer of material that would absorb the hot western sun at the end of the day and secondly to act as a barrier so the heat gain on the stucco walls was minimal. The panels are anchored four inches off the wall so at night up lighting gives the wall a dramatic effect.